The People Pro® Blog

Work Flexibility is Key to Deal With "Time Famine"

By Barbara Bartlein

Are you starved for time?  You are not alone. Thirty-nine percent of women report work/life conflict with men reporting 45%. A new study by Families and Work Institute and the Society for Human Research Management, found that the majority of employees (60%-69%) state they don't have enough time for themselves or their partners.  Employees with children report even greater "time famine."

According to a new report, Workplace Flexilibity in the United States-A Status Report, "higher levels of workplace flexilbity is associated with more people indicating that they have enough time for their children, spouses/partners or themselves." And when employees find work/life balance, they are more productive.

Here are some of the strategies smart businesses are using to help employees establish better time management.  

  • Flex time or place:  regular or short-notice flex time, compressed workweeks, telecommuting
  • Flex careers:  sabbaticals, on and off ramps for careers based on life circumstances, phased retirement
  • Reduced time: part-time and part-year work
  • Time off:  paid vacations & sick leave, time off for caregiving
  • Choices in managing time:  self-scheduling and shift trading
  • Culture of flexilbity: Supportive supervisors, lack of jeopardy for working flexibly

Employers who initiate flexible work options find that they have better retention and better engagement. They often also have reduced healthcare costs because employees take advantage of "extra" time to exercise and eat healthier food. According to SHRM, 97% of HR professionals indicate that productivity is better or the same with a flexible worksite.

Interested in making your workplace more flexible?  Feel free to call us for a FREE consultation.  Call 414-747-1842 and we would be happy to discuss your needs.

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