$313,575 payout to bullied Justice Department Worker
- Posted on December 21, 2013

By Barbara Bartlein
A former public servant in Australia won a large payout for psychiatric injuries while working for the Department of Justice. For failing to prevent workplace bullying, the goverment agency was ordered to pay $125,000 for pain and suffering, $134,575 for past economic loss and $54,000 for future loss.
Handing down the 209 page judgement, the Judge Katherine Bourke said that the worker's manager engaged in "repeated and unreasonable behavior towards the plaintiff." She also stated that there was negligence on the part of management for failing to take appropriate steps in relation to the worker's complaints.
According to reports, the plaintiff was subjected to various forms of bulling, including yelling and abuse, humiliating and demeaning treatment, being reprimanded for trivial matters, and repeatedly told she was not like by other workers and management. She suffered from depression, anxiety, and an adjustment disorder as a result of the bullying.
This is one more situation where it is clear that bullying can't simply be ignored. Incivility in the workplace is no longer tolerated and many states and countries are taking steps to make sure that there are legal consequences.
For more information on workplace bullying, check out my new book: